Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Potentially Paul's Last Wedding Photograph

This photo was taken at Suzy & Co's Wedding August 2008 in front of St. Timothy's Catholic Church in Santa Monica. I thought Co had a big family until it was time to photograph Suzy's side (thats right ... just her family alone!). There were well over 80 people in the group shot and after careful posing I still could not get everyone in even with the 14mm on my D700.

So I decided to get up on the fence (which is what kept me from backing up to get everyone in the shot). Not one of the smarter actions I've taken at a wedding, but it goes to show I will go above (way above!) and beyond for my brides and grooms. The photo is an accidental shutter trip... a nice reminder, of my efforts :)


  1. dude, i really really like this shot!! I want this kind of effort for my wedding! ^_^

  2. Awesome shot! You should frame this one!
